You describe how the cells are related and fill in some cells with values, Roleplay infers the likely values for the remaining cells and shows you the samples. You can even directly add datapoints to graphs and see what values could have generated such a pattern.

You can define both a formula for a cell and a value this cell takes. If some of the inputs are missing, we can estimate them, especially if they are also inputs to other cells. You can see, with proper uncertainty, things you did not observe and things you cannot even observe directly, things in the future and things in the past.

In Roleplay tables and graphs exist independently from the formulas that drive them. Instead, you provide formulas as explanations of how a given table cell is computed or a datapoint is placed on a graph. The formulas are not hidden inside the cells, but are visible right next to the table and apply to the whole column. Roleplay then fill is in the empty cells with plausible values, including adding additional rows when you are uncertain about how many input cells there were.


Roleplay will be available in 2022.

If you are interested in giving it a go, or have any questions or comments, let me know: